Not sure what you've heard about dairy, but there are some pretty contradicting 'arguments' out there. Most of which, aren't backed by science in any way.
So is dairy healthy or harmful? Should we avoid dairy or embrace it?
Growing up in Lancaster County Pennsylvania, I was taught that dairy was incredibly necessary for growth and strength.
Cow milk was marked as an essential health food that was "natures perfect food". Cheese was drizzled, sprinkled, or put into the majority of what I ate. Dairy products of all kinds were stocked and used as staples in my house & all of the houses around me.
I was SHOCKED & SHOOK (to say the least) when I learned the truth about dairy.
Here's just a few facts about dairy & the impact it has on your body:
1. Human bodies aren't built to digest cow milk
At least 65-70% of the world's population is Lactose Intolerant. For those with lactose intolerance, dairy products can cause uncomfortable symptoms like stomach pain, bloating, gas, nausea, and diarrhea.
2. Dairy increases our chances of chronic disease
Dairy increases our risk of most cancers, inflammation, early aging, early death, brain degeneration, skin problems, bone deterioration & more. It triggers the insulin-like growth factor (IGF-1) pathway, that is linked to hormonal cancers like prostate cancer.
Milk & other dairy products are one of the top sources of saturated fat & cholesterol in the American diet. Diets high in fat, saturated fat, & cholesterol increase the chances of heart disease, which is the leading cause of death in all humans. Cow milk consumption is also strongly linked to Multiple Sclerosis & Type 1 Diabetes all over the world.
3. Dairy causes skin issues
The hormones in dairy (testosterone, estrogen, and others) plus the hormones that it makes us produce, have been linked to increased acne, eczema & other skin issues.
4. Dairy causes osteoporosis & bone deterioration
Remember how we were told that milk "builds strong bones"? Unfortunately, it turns out that this was just a clever marketing scheme by the dairy industry. Milk drinkers are actually much more likely to develop Osteoporosis! Non-milk drinkers are proven to have stronger/more dense bones and fewer fractures (including hip fractures).
Here are some plants that will help you meet your calcium needs (with better absorption too):
5. Dairy is linked to many allergies
Dairy proteins (whey & casein) are a common cause of serious allergic reactions in all ages. There are about 200,000 cases in the United States every year!
6. Human's are the only species that exploits another species for their milk
Many people don't realize that cow's do not produce milk regularly-- only cows that are or were just pregnant. So humans repeatedly impregnate female cows through artificial insemination.
Factory farm dairy cows go through their first pregnancy when they are around 2 years old. After giving birth, mothers lactate for about 10 months. Then, they are impregnated again. This WEIRD, abusive, sad & destructive on so many levels.
& don't even get me started on the legal amount of blood, pus & hormones that are allowed into cows' milk (EWWW).
OR the fact that it takes 1000 gallons of water to produce 1 gallon of cows milk! (clearly not sustainable nor eco-friendly)
Obviously, dairy is NOT a health-promoting food.
But, then why are dairy products promoted as health foods?
Unfortunately, that's because the dairy industry pays the government for it to be categorized as its own "necessary" food group. Additionally, most studies produced in favor of dairy as a health food, are directly or indirectly funded by the dairy industry.
Thankfully, we have choices!
There's an abundance of dairy alternatives out there that are becoming more widely available & making dairy-free, hassle free!
Do yourself, the earth, & the animals a favor:
Try switching to plant milk!
It's like milk, but made for humans😊
Here are some awesome plant milks available to you:
**Pro tip: look for plant milks with the least amount of ingredients. You should be able to identify every ingredient! The best ones have 2-3 ingredients total.
(Plant milk's are also easy to make! Check out this oat milk recipe)
Want some more info?
To learn more about the impact of dairy on your body... here are some great, easy to understand, backed by science video & article resources for you:
Dairy and Cancer | (video 7:41)
The Truth About Dairy | Milton Mills, MD (video 16:22)
Why is the Science of Nutrition Ignored in Medicine? (video 16:42) search: Dairy (multiple short videos + articles)
I hope this helps!
Bookmark this page to come back to it whenever you need to spit some facts
& send to a friend who may not know about all of this :)